Sandra García Rey
(Ph.D. student at AMMa-LOAC and BIOMICs microfluidics Teams)

Sandra is originally from Vitoria-Gasteiz. She studied Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and finished her Master Degree in Forensic Analysis at the UPV/EHU in 2018. Currently she is PhD candidate at the Microfluidics Cluster UPV/EHU.
Her current research is focused on the development of innovative bio- and chemosensors wearable microdevices, capable of analysing sweat parameters (e.g. lactate and pH) by means of continuous and real time autonomous monitoring, gather important biochemical information of the wearer and so help to prevent body injuries during intense workouts and unexpected health problems. For the design and fabrication of microfluidic devices, she is working with different polymeric materials, such as PSA, COP, PDMS and flexible resins for 3D, as well as with different techniques such as 3D printing and photolithography. The detection of biomolecules is being carried out through a colorimetric reaction using ionogels for pH sensing and an enzymatic reaction mixed with alginate for lactate sensing.