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Cholinium Based Poly Ionic Liquid Hydrogel as Negative Flow Passive Pump in Paper-Based Analytical Devices

T. Akyazi, A. Tudor, D. Diamond, L. Basabe-Desmonts, L. Florea, Fernando Benito-Lopez
Presentation in congress:
20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Micro Total Analysis Systems μ-TAS-2016
Publishing city and/or Editorial:
Dublin, Ireland
9-13 October
Initial page - Ending page:
11 - 12

This work presents a new concept for fluid flow manipulation in μPADs by introducing cholinium based poly-ionic liquid hydrogels.The μPADs were manufactured with standard laboratory filter paper, by wax printing. It has been clearly observed that UV-photopolymerised hydrogels highly affect the fluid flow on paper by behaving as negative flow passive pumps.

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