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Congratulations Emilio! Great Master thesis defense

First publication date: 02/10/2024

Emilio during his Master defense at University of Cantabria, Spain

Emilio García Rodríguez successfully presented his Master's Thesis entitled “Microfluidic sensor for the detection of ammonia in construction materials”.

On Friday, September 13, Emilio García Rodríguez, student of the Interuniversity Master's Degree in New Materials, taught by the University of Cantabria (UC) and the University of the Basque Country (UPV), defended his Master's Thesis entitled “Microfluidic sensor for the detection of ammonia in construction materials”. The defense took place at the Faculty of Sciences of Santander, where he obtained an excellent grade of 9.5 over 10.

This work, developed at the Microfluidics Cluster UPV/EHU, was directed by Prof. Dr. Luis María Lezama Diago, Ikerbasque Research Professor Dr. Lourdes Basabe Desmonts and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fernando Benito López. Under their supervision, Emilio made progress in the creation of an innovative sensor capable of detecting ammonia, a compound of interest in environmental monitoring within the construction industry.

Emilio's research has been recognized not only for its excellent qualification, but also for its scientific quality, which will allow him to present his TFM at the prestigious congress Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences - Micro-Total Analysis Systems (µTAS 2024), to be held in Montreal, Canada. This event is a world reference in the field of microfluidic systems and their application in chemical and biological sciences.

With this defense, Emilio concludes his research stage in the working group, having previously successfully defended his Final Degree Project (TFG) in Chemistry, also in the same line of research. His trajectory promises future important contributions to the field of materials science and sensor technology.