Article 1.- Definition

"Recognition of credits" means the acceptance of credits obtained by students on courses (completed or otherwise) other than the one studied here, at the UPV/EHU or other universities (in Spain or elsewhere) as credits earned to be taken into account for the specific postgraduate qualification or university extension diploma course on which they are enrolled. If they already hold recognised credits, students need only obtain the remaining number of credits required to make up the total required for the qualification.

Article 2.- General Criteria

For the recognition of credits, the unit of recognition considered is the subject as defined in the syllabus, in line with the competences and knowledge associated with the credits already earned and not with mere similarity of content and duration of subjects. In no case may credits corresponding to end-of-course projects, dissertations or similar be recognised.

Article 3.- Recognition of Credits Obtained in Other University-Specific Qualifications

The Academic Committee for the university-specific qualification may agree to recognise up to 30% of the ECTS credits for same in the form of credits obtained in other university-specific courses, in line with the competencies and knowledge associated with same.

This recognition of credits within courses may reach 100% in the case of proposals structured in modules.

Article 4.- Recognition of Credits Obtained in Official Studies

In postgraduate UPV/EHU-specific qualifications, credits obtained on official university master's and PhD courses may be recognised.

In undergraduate UPV/EHU-specific qualifications, credits obtained on official first or second cycle undergraduate degrees (short-cycle, bachelor's degrees, engineering, architecture, engineering technician and architectural technician qualifications) may be recognised.

In both cases recognised credits may account for no more than 30% of the syllabus. In exceptional cases the Academic Director may submit a duly grounded proposal to the relevant Committee for its consideration and approval for an increase in that figure.

Article 5.- Processing

The relevant Vice Rector must draw up and publish the calendar of places and procedures for each academic year.

Interested parties must submit an application for recognition at the office of the secretary for the university-specific qualification in question­ before the deadline set by the relevant Vice Rector and published on the relevant website.

The following documents must be submitted:

a) Academic certificates attesting to the level and type of studies to be recognised, indicating the subjects approved and, if possible, the grades obtained.

b) Syllabus or table of subject matters, issued by the relevant centre, department or institute.

Article 6.- Resolution

The Academic Committee for the qualification will pass a resolution and notify the student in regard to recognition.

The resolution must include the following points:

a) The number of credits to be recognised, indicating the subjects from which they originate.

b) The subjects on the syllabus recognised.

c) The number of credits not recognised, if any, indicating the subjects from which they originate and specifying why they are not recognised.

d) Notice that an appeal may be filed with the relevant Vice-Rectorate at the university within one month as from the date of notification.

Once recognitions have been resolved upon, a certificate of recognitions will be sent to the University-specific Qualifications Unit as per the form drawn up.

Article 7.- Payment for Recognised Credits

Once the recognised credits are registered, the student must pay the relevant fees:

a) For credits recognised from official studies at public universities: no charge.

b) For credits recognised from official studies at privately owned universities or universities and other higher education establishments abroad: 25 % of the standard fee per credit.

c) For credits recognised from university-specific courses at the UPV/EHU: 25% of the standard fee per credit, except if the recognition of credits is within a modular structure or the university-specific qualification has increased the number of credits required so as to offer a higher-level qualification, in which case there will be no charge.

The Academic Committee may, in exceptional cases of students for whom only completion of their end-of-course project remains before completion of the university-specific postgraduate course and who enrol for a later edition of the said project, ask the relevant Vice Rector to recognise the credits obtained in the earlier edition free of charge.

d) For credits recognised from university-specific qualifications and other courses taken at other universities and higher education establishments in Spain or elsewhere: the full standard fee per credit.

e) For credits recognised from ongoing training/education courses at the UPV/EHU:

  1. For modules taken on the same UPV/EHU-specific qualification course: no charge.
  2. For modules taken on other UPV/EHU-specific qualification courses or official master's courses: 25 % of the standard fee per credit.