Students enrolled from the year 2008-2009

The application will be carried out ONLINE by clicking here.

If you have any problem with the software, you can send the following documents to the Own Degrees Section together with the the following documentation:

Method of payment

  • With a personalised promissory note issued on making the request. These promissory notes will be deposited with the Kutxabank bank account specified. The savings bank will stamp them and validate the deposit made through the promissory note. The original of this promissory note will be forwarded to the Own Degrees Section. Each student will keep a copy as a receipt for payment.
  • Bank transfer. Once the transfer has been made, a receipt for this deposit must be sent to the Own Degrees Section.
  • Online through a payment gateway (using online banking or a credit card)

Any fees as a consequence of this procedure will be payable by the student and cannot be deducted from the amount of the fee. As a consequence, the Own Degrees Section must receive the exact amount of the fee.

  Ordinary Large family.
General category
Large family.
Special category
Victims of terrorist acts
33% Disabled
CERTIFICATE €27,96   €13,98  €0 

Fees applicable until September 30, 2018.

Documentation must be delivered to the following address:

  • Vicerrectorado de Estudios de Grado y Posgrado
    Unidad de Enseñanzas Propias
    -Negociado de Títulos Propios-
    Edificio Aulario II, planta baja
    48940 Leioa (Bizkaia)
  • or, scanned, by e-mail to: titulospropios@ehu.es