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Knowledge area
Evolutionary Psychology and Psychology of Education
Evolutionary and Education Psychology
Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology
Electronic mail

With a Bachelor’s in Psychology and Psychopedagogy, and Doctorates in Psychology, I have taught in Bachelors and Masters. I am a full professor with two six-year terms of research and three five-year periods (favorable evaluations of the teaching activity); in this sense, I have a diploma of excellence (from 07/08-11/12) and received another very good score (from 12/13-16/17) of the Docentiaz program of evaluation of the teaching activity. My research topic has been related to self-concept, publishing about thirty ISI articles, although now I am more oriented to the analysis of the contextual and personal variables that influence psychosocial adjustment, as well as homeless people. I have supervised five doctoral theses and around thirty Master's Thesis and Bachelor dissertations. As a member of the Psikor research group, recognized as a consolidated research group by the Basque Government, I have participated in some Micinn projects, in a COST Action and led regional and UPV/EHU research projects; I am currently participating in a another European project (COST Action) entitled Researcher mental health. I have done a research stay at the University of Nevada (USA) and two at Queen's University (Canada). In addition, I have been the chief editor (2008-2012), associate director (2012-2013) and executive director (2013-present) of the Revista de Psicodidactica. I am currectly the head of the Developmental and Educational Psychology Department.

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