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Chemical Engineering
Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Engineering - Vitoria-Gasteiz
Electronic mail

Dr. Leyre Sillero, PhD in Renewable Materials Engineering by THE UPV/EHU (2021), Master Degree in Environmental Engineering by the UPV/EHU (2016) and Bachelor Degree in Industrial Chemical Engineering by the UPV/EHU (2013).

Dr. Sillero started her research career at Biorefinery Processes (BioRP) research group at the UPV/EHU in 2017, studying different processes for the extraction of bioactive molecules from lignocellulosic biomass. Her first steps into research began with a doctoral grant awarded by the Basque Government. She carried out her PhD in the field of lignocellulosic biomass valorisation (2017-2021). She got her international doctorate thanks to her stay at the Imperial College of London. After finishing the PhD, he continued her professional career linked to the valorisation of lignocellulosic biomass as a R&D project technician at CETIM Technological Centre. In early 2022, she returned to BioRP research group at the UPV/EHU as a postdoctoral researcher with a Margarita Salas fellowship. During this period, she stayed at the Environmental Biotechnology research group (BIOGROUP) at the USC. Since September 2022, Dr. Sillero has been an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the Engineering School of Vitoria-Gasteiz (UPV/EHU), and is an active member of BiorP research group. She has published more than 11 articles and 2 book chapters, and has participated in more than 14 international congresses and 12 R+D+i projects.

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