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  • Being able to carry out guided practical work.
  • Being able to critically identify the most influential new developments and self-sufficiently acquire new knowledge on the science of materials, not only from specialised bibliographies but also from personal contact with specialists in the field.
  • Being able to present and communicate important results from one's own work and the work of other researchers, in the field of new materials, as well as their implications for society, to multidisciplinary specialised audiences and the public as a whole.
  • Being able to self-sufficiently carry out experimental work, and interpret it, in a laboratory specialised in material science.
  • Being able, within multidisciplinary groups, to analyse, propose methods of resolution and contribute towards effectively solving specific technical or social problems related to the science of materials.
  • Having the ability to apply the tools of the science of new materials to high level research.
  • I+Gko ikerketa-lanak burutzeko bai enpresa-munduan bai doktorego-tesia egitean, behar den trebakuntza eskuratzea.
  • Ikasleak gaitasuna izan behar du epaimahai espezializatu baten aurrean ikerketa lana publikoki erakusteko eta defendatzeko.
  • Lana esperimentala hobetzeko jarrera kritikoa garatzea.
  • Oral and written communication in the student's native language and English in subjects related to the field of new materials.
  • Recognising and applying the concepts, principles and theories typical of the science of new materials.
  • Self-sufficient and creative learning and work related to the subjects covered by the Master's degree.
  • The ability to analyse, summarise and manage information related to the science of new materials.
  • The ability to organise and plan personal work, as well as the motivation to produce excellent work.
  • The ability to take part, under the supervision of people with doctorates, in proposing and running scientific research projects in the area of the Master's degree which eventually leads to producing a doctoral thesis.
  • The ability to work as part of a team, establish interpersonal relationships and make decisions.

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