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  • IM1-Designing and monitoring the manufacturing processes for the materials.
  • IM10-Analysing complex and multidisciplinary problems.
  • IM11-Working in a team and collaborating with professionals from other specialisations.
  • IM12-Compiling information, as well as critically selecting and analysing it.
  • IM13-Integrating experimental information and information coming from simulation.
  • IM14-Supervising simple experimental work and performing complex experimental work.
  • IM15-Transmitting scientific information on an international level, written and orally.
  • IM16-Designing components using numerical simulation tools.
  • IM2-Designing and monitoring the transformation and shaping processes for the materials.
  • IM3-Knowing the structure, properties and applications of the different families of materials: metals, polymers, ceramics (including glass), compound and functional.
  • IM4-Determining all types of properties of the materials at any stage of their production, transformation and application, using conventional and other new techniques and adequately interpreting the information obtained.
  • IM5-Understanding the improvement options (additives, surface treatments, etc.) for materials in order to optimise their use.
  • IM6-Designing materials using advanced modelling and simulations tools, for conventional, advanced and emerging applications (nano and biomaterials).
  • IM7-Selecting materials for specific applications based on the corresponding specifications.
  • IM8-Knowing the principles and mechanisms that guide material deterioration and the methods used to avoid it.
  • IM9-Knowing the volumes, sources and characteristics of the flows of material waste, as well as the technologies and alternatives for recycling them.

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