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Iker Barbero Gonzalez

Knowledge area
Administrative Law
Administrative Law, Constitutional Law and Philosophy of Law
Faculty of Law
Electronic mail

Iker Barbero is Lecturer at the Department of Administrative Law, Constitutional Law and Philosophy of Law (UPV-EHU).

Master in Sociology of Law (IISJ, 2004), University Specialist in International Migrations (EHU, 2005) and Doctor in Law (UPV / EHU, 2010).

Between 2011 and 2014, he was Ikerbasque visiting researcher at the Center for Citizenship, Identities and Governance of the Open University. Author of several works in the field of sociology of law, migration and immigration law: Globalization, State and Citizenship stand out: A Socio-Legal Analysis of the Sinpapeles Movement (Tirant lo Blanch, 2012), When rights need to be (re)claimed: Austerity measures, neoliberal housing policies and anti-eviction activism in Spain (Critical Social Policy, 2015) or The European Union never got rid of its internal controls: A case study of detention and readmission in the French-Spanish border (European Journal of Migration and Law, 2018). In 2014, he was awarded with the Adam Podgòrecki prize, by the Research Committee on Sociology of Law ISA-RC12. He is currently the principal investigator of the IUSFUNDIE project: Fundamental rights and current mechanism of detention, detention and expulsion of irregular foreigners (www.iusfundie.eu).

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