
XSL Content

Sociology of crime and deviations

General details of the subject

Face-to-face degree course

Teaching staff

NameInstitutionCategoryDoctorTeaching profileAreaE-mail
VARONA MARTINEZ, GEMMA MARIAUniversity of the Basque CountryPersonal Doctor InvestigadorDoctorNot bilingualCriminal


Conocimiento de la temática principal de la criminología en su vertiente transnacional: crimen organizado, corrupción, tráfico ilegal, mercados ilegales, terrorismo.30.0 %
Conocimiento de los instrumentos jurídicos internacionales más importantes en la lucha y prevención de los delitos transnacionales20.0 %
Conocimiento de la función del sistema de justicia penal internacional de sus instituciones y de las ONG-s más relevantes.20.0 %
Manejo de los datos internacionales y los métodos comparativos en los estudios del delito internacional30.0 %

Study types

TypeFace-to-face hoursNon face-to-face hoursTotal hours

Training activities

NameHoursPercentage of classroom teaching
Case analysis20.0100 %
Discussion5.0100 %
Text analysis20.0100 %
Written discussion of a topic30.010 %

Assessment systems

NameMinimum weightingMaximum weighting
Attendance and participation50.0 % 50.0 %
Evaluation by means of the presentation of projects50.0 % 50.0 %
Written examination50.0 % 50.0 %


Comparativism & the Goals of Criminal Justice

Philosophical Traditions of Criminal Justice . Goals & Ideology

Adjudicating Guilt I: The role of lay judges in fact-finding

Adjudicating Guilt II: Appointing Judges & Judicial Power


Compulsory materials

Chapters 1-3, pp 1-39, F Pakes, Comparative Criminal Justice, 2nd Edition (Willan Publishing, 2010, UK)

William Ewald, Comparative Jurisprudence: What Was it Like to Try a Rat?, 1995 U PA L Rev 1889 (1995).

Chapters 6, Systems of Trial, pp 86-103, F Pakes, Comparative Criminal Justice, 2nd Edition (Willan Publishing, 2010, UK)

Chapters 6, Systems of Trial, pp 86-103, F Pakes, Comparative Criminal Justice, 2nd Edition (Willan Publishing, 2010, UK)

R Van Caenegem, Judges Legislators & Professors, pp 67-71, 72-89, 157-168,

DM Provine & Antoine Garapon, The Selection of Judges in France: Searching for a New Legitimacy,

R McColl, Celebrating Women in the Judiciary,

Chapters 7, Judicial Decision-Makers, pp 104-22, F Pakes, Comparative Criminal Justice, 2nd Edition (Willan Publishing, 2010, UK)

M Ibusuki, Quo Vadis?¿: First Year Inspection to Japanese Mixed Jury Trial,

Mar Jiminez Bulnes Jury selection and jury trial in Spain: between theory and practice (2011, Onati)

N Marder, The Banality of Evil: A Portrayal in 12 Angry Men,

C. Weisselberg, Good Film, Bad Jury,

Renee Lerner, `The Intersection of Two Systems: An American on Trial for an American Murder in the French Cour d¿Assises¿, Reader.

J Mirabella, Scales of Justice: Assessing Italian Criminal Procedure Through the Amanda Knox Trial (2012),

S Lubet, Atticus Finch: Race, Class, Gender, and Truth in S Lubet, Nothing But the Truth, : Why Trial Lawyers Don't, Can't, and Shouldn't Have to Tell the Whole Truth (NYUPress, 2012),.

JM Beattie, Scales of Justice: Defense Counsel and the English Criminal Trial in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

D Tait, Glass Cages in the Dock: Presenting the Defendant to the Jury, (2011) 86 Chicago-Kent Law Review 467,

In-depth bibliography

J Doak, Victims¿ Rights, Human Rights & Criminal Justice (Hart Publishing, 2008) ch 2, p 37, 51-76; ch 6, pp 265-292

M Siems, The Curious Case of Overfitting Legal Transplants, 2014,.

Jones & Newburn, The Convergence of US and UK Crime Control Policy: Exploring Substance & Process,

R Van Caenegem, RC Van Caenegem, Judges, Legislators & Professors: Chapters in European Legal History (Cambridge Univ P, 1987, UK), pp 114-126

J Hunter & K Cronin, The Criminal Trial in History, chapter 1 in Evidence, Advocacy and Ethical Practice (Butterworths, Australia, 1995),.

Jorg et al, Are Inquisitorial and Adversarial Systems Converging? in N Jörg, S Field, & C Brants in P Fennell et al (eds) Criminal Justice in Europe: A Comparative Study (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995),

MR Damaska, The Faces of Justice & State Authority: A Comparative Approach to the Legal Process Yale Univ Press, 1986).

M Delmas-Marty, European Criminal Procedures (CUP, Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law, 2006)

MF Kaplan & AM Martin, Understanding World Jury Systems Through Social Psychological Research (Psychology Press, 2006, NY)

T Newburn & R Sparks (ed), Criminal Justice & Political Cultures (Willan Publishing, 2004, UK)

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