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Socio-Legal Research: Theory and Practice and Thesis Seminar

General details of the subject

Face-to-face degree course

Teaching staff

NameInstitutionCategoryDoctorTeaching profileAreaE-mail
BENGOETXEA CABALLERO, JOSE RAMONUniversity of the Basque CountryProfesorado Catedratico De UniversidadDoctorBilingualPhilosophy of
AMIETTA , SANTIAGOKeele UniversityOtros
ROACH ANLEU, SHARYNFlinders UniversityProfesorado Titular De UniversidadDoctorFilosofía del Derecho, Moral y Política


Conocimiento de los médodos cualitativos y cuantitativos utilizados en la investigación de la sociología jurídica40.0 %
Aplicación de estos métodos a un proyecto de investigación propio y original40.0 %
Consideración de la problemática ética que implica la investigación así como de su financiación10.0 %
Comprensión crítica de la relación entre investigación, poder y construcción social del conocimiento en una investigación concreta.10.0 %

Study types

TypeFace-to-face hoursNon face-to-face hoursTotal hours

Training activities

NameHoursPercentage of classroom teaching
Case analysis40.0100 %
Discussion10.0100 %
Text analysis40.0100 %
Written discussion of a topic85.020 %

Assessment systems

NameMinimum weightingMaximum weighting
Attendance and participation50.0 % 50.0 %
Evaluation by means of the presentation of projects50.0 % 50.0 %
Written examination50.0 % 50.0 %


The Process and design of Socio-Legal Research

Sampling, recruitment and ethics

In-depth interviewing and narrative

Focus Groups and Case Studies


In-depth bibliography

Curtis, Ric (2010). Getting good data from people that do bad things: effective methods and techniques for conducting research with hard-to-reach and hidden populations, in: Offenders on offending: learning about crime from criminals, edited by Wim Bernasco. Willan, 2010, Chapter 9, pp. 141-158

Sanders, Teela (2008). "Researching men who buy sex". In: Paying for pleasure: men who buy sex. Willan, chapter 2, pp. 13-37

Kagan, Robert A. (1995). What socio-legal scholars should do when there is too much law to study?, in: Socio-legal studies in context: the Oxford Centre past and present, edited by Denis J. Galligan. Oxford, Basic Blackwell, pp. 140-148

Fleury-Steiner, Benjamin (2006). Narratives of the death sentence: toward a theory of legal narrativity, in: Consciousness and ideology, edited by Patricia Ewick, Ashgate, (The International Library of Essays in Law and Society), chapter 13, pp. 385-412

Wallace Foundation (2011). ¿Workbook E : conducting in-depth interviews¿. Focus/Out-Of-SchoolLearning/Documents/Workbook-E-Indepth-Interviews.pdf

Travers, Max (2012). "The vulnerable offender", in: The sentencing of children: professional work and perspectives, New Academia Publishing, chapter 7, pp. 121-145


REVISTA Melville, A. and Hunter, R. (2001) As everybody knows countering myths of gender bias in family law Griffith Law Review, 10, 124

REVISTA Banakar, Reza (2000). "Reflections on the methodological issues of the sociology of law". Journal of Law and Society, 27, 2, pp. 273-295

REVISTA Cotterrell, Roger (1998). Why must legal ideas be interpreted sociologically". Journal of Law and Society, 25, 2, pp. 171-192

REVISTA Tracy, Sarah J. (2010). "Qualitative quality:eight -big-tent- criteria for excellent qualitative research". Qualitative Inquiry, 16, 10, pp. 837-851

REVISTA Kate Warner, Julia Davis, Maggie Walter, Rebecca Bradfield & Rachel Vermey (2011) Public judgement on sentencing: final results from the Tasmanian Jury sentencing study. Trends & Issues in crime and criminal justice, nº 407

REVISTA Bosworth, Mary (2011) "Researching trafficked women: on institutional resistance and the limits to feminist reflexivity", Qualitative Inquiry, volume 17 number 9, pp. 769-779

Foddy, William (1993) "An initial statement of the problem", in: Constructing questions for interviews and

REVISTA Travers, M. (2010) `Welfare, Punishment or Something Else" Sentencing Minor Offences Committed by Young People In Tasmania and Victoria Current Issues in Criminal Justice. 22 (1): 99-116. .


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