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Knowledge area
Applied Physics
Faculty of Chemistry
Electronic mail

Lucia Vitali is Professor at the department of material physics at the UPV/EHU and Ikerbasque Professor. She leads the “Spectroscopy at atomic scale” group at the Centro de Fisica de Materials in San Sebastian. Lucia achieved her first University degree in Trieste (Italy) in 1995 defending an experimental thesis on the characterization of fullerenes on metal surfaces by means of XPS technique. In 1996, she moved at the Institute fuer Experimentalphysik of the Karl Franzens Universitaet in Graz (Austria) first as postgraduate fellow with two competitive grants awarded by the Ministry of Science and by the University of Trieste, respectively. Later, She enrolled as PhD student under the supervision of Prof.F.P.Netzer the formation of metal-semiconductor interfaces by means of a scanning tunneling microscope (STM). For this experimental work she was awarded the PhD in 2000 and the prestigious Max-Auwaerter prize in 2002. In 2000, she joined the group of Prof. K.Kern at the Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart (Germany), where she stayed up to 2009 working with a low temperature STM. In 2008, she was selected by Ikerbasque, the Basque Foundation for Science, as research professor. Lucia‘s work spans different aspects of surface science from magnetism and Kondo effects to conductance and phonon measurements in single atoms or molecules in ultra-high vacuum environment at cryogenics temperatures measured by STM techniques.

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