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Knowledge area
Applied Physics
Electricity and Electronics
Faculty of Science and Technology
Electronic mail

B.S (1986) and PhD in Physics (1991, Outstanding Thesis Award), University of the Basque Country, UPV-EHU. Permanent professor in Applied Physics at UPV-EHU since 1996. Member of the group Theory of Nanophotonics at Materials Physics Center (joint center CSIC-UPV/EHU) and associate member of DIPC (Donostia International Phhysics. She lectures in the Bachelor studies in Physics and Electrical Engineering (Electromagnetism II, Electrodynamics and Experimental Techniques II) at the Faculty of Science and Technology and also in the Master in Nanoscience and the doctoral program Physics of Nanostructures and Advanced Materials. She was Postdoctoral researcher (1997) and visiting professor at Hensinki University of Technology (HUT, nowdays Aalto University).

Her main research line is the description of light matter interaction at the nanoscale, with focus on the optical response of plasmonic nanoantennas. She has participated in 37 research projects (4 european) an is PI (with FJ Aizpurua) of the research group Q-NANOFOT (A classification, ref. IT1164-19) of the basque research system. She has coauthored around 90 publications (62 JCR journals) and 90 communications to conferences. She has been supervisor of doctoral thesis (5, 3 defended), master thesis (6) and bachelor thesis (15).

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