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Knowledge area
Plant Physiology
Plant Biology and Ecology
Faculty of Science and Technology
Electronic mail

I graduated in Biology in 2002 (UPV/EHU) and obtained my PhD in 2006 (Public University of Navarra). Then I worked for a year in the CSIC (Barcelona) and five years as a postdoc in INRAE-CNRS in France ¨(2007-09 in Sophia Antipolis and 2009-12 in Toulouse).

In 2012 I joined the UPV/EHU thanks to the Ikerbasque Foundation, also obtaining a Marie Curie CIG contract. Since 2022 I hold a Permanent Doctoral Researcher (IDP) position in the Department of Plant Biology and Ecology of the UPV/EHU.

I am member of the Nutrition Managament in Plant and Soils research group (NUMAPS,) https://www.ehu.eus/es/web/numaps). My research is focused on the study of metabolic and molecular/genetic aspects associated with plant nutrient use efficiency, mainly nitrogen. My scientific production is available at Researchgate, ORCiD (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8788-6646), Scopus (www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=12791484800) ) and Web of Science (ResearcherID: AAZ-2971-2020; www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/1093345)

I am teacher of the Master of Environmental Agrobiology and member of the commission of the Doctoral Program "Environmental Agrobiology".

I am member of Ethics Committee for Research involving Biological Agents & GMOs of the UPV/EHU.

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