Teaching staff

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Knowledge area
Genetics, Physical Anthropology and Animal Physiology
Faculty of Medicina and Nursing
Electronic mail

I earned my PhD in Biology at the UPV/EHU in 1998. I have carried out post-doctoral research at the Westmead Institute for Cancer Research in Sydney, Australia, and I worked at as research fellow at the Department of Medical Oncology of the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. My research work focuses on the molecular mechanisms of malignant transformation. I have published over 60 articles in research journals, and my H index is 28. I am the (co)director of 7 PhD Theses (6 completed and 1 in progress).

In 2007, I joined the UPV/EHU. With funding from MICINN, the Basque Government, and the University, I have established a research line on the molecular mechanisms of cancer. Specifically, our current work focuses on two basic processes that are altered in tumor cells: protein ubiquitination and nucleocytoplasmic transport. Our ultimate goal is to contribute to the development of new targeted anticancer therapies.

I am a member of the Ethics Committee for Research with Biological Agents (CEIAB) of the UPV/EHU and I was member of the Board of the Spanish Association for Cancer Research (ASEICA) between 2011 and 2014.

I collaborate with national and international research groups. Our group is part of a recently approved European COST Action (PROTEOSTASIS).

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2823-373

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