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Knowledge area
Genetics, Physical Anthropology and Animal Physiology
Faculty of Science and Technology
Electronic mail

I have a degree and a PhD in Biological Sciences from the UPV / EHU and I have been Associate Professor of Genetics since 2004. I work as a specialist in genetic and genomic variation and its application in different fields, from the conservation and management of animal species to the detection of genomic elements associated with human and animal diseases.

As a lecturer, I teach and coordinate 2 subjects in the degree of Biology, Molecular Genetics and Molecular Evolution. In addition, I direct TFGs and TFMs. I am responsible for the subject Fundamentals of Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics in the Interuniversity Master's Degree in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine. I have supervised 5 doctoral theses (one of them an extraordinary Doctorate Award) and I currently manage 5 more PhDs. I have also participated in the institutional management as Deputy Secretary and as Service Director in the Vice-rectorate of Euskara and Multilingualism.

Since 2008 I lead the University Research Group Genomics and Health. Our main lines of research are: Influence of host genetics in the pathogenesis of infectious diseases and autoimmunity; Comparative and functional genomics and Bioinformatics. I have directed and / or participated in more than 25 research projects, some of them in collaboration with companies. We are currently working on the improvement of vaccine adjuvants through integrated transcriptomic analyzes, with a special focus on non-coding RNAs.

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