
XSL Content

Neuroscience in health and disease

General details of the subject

Face-to-face degree course

Description and contextualization of the subject

Neuroscience is the scientific discipline that tries to understand the central nervous system (CNS) and its diseases. For this, it supports and encompasses many other sciences: from the most basic (genetics, biochemistry, ...) to the most clinical such as neurology and psychiatry. It is considered the last frontier of biomedical knowledge, and its fundamental objectives are to understand the biological mechanisms responsible for human activity and to find a way to preserve, restore and strengthen the functioning of our SNC before and after its deterioration.

The ¿Neuroscience in health and disease¿ course will provide students with a broad knowledge in that field ranging from molecular and cellular to clinical neuroscience. Understanding the specific cell biology issues of neurons and glial cells and their relationships in health and disease will be its main objective.

To this end, ¿Neuroscience in health and disease¿ course will focus on selected topics ranging from various basic to clinical perspectives (see theoretical-practical contents). During two weeks, and in an intensive way, the aim will be to identify the progress made and highlight the challenges still facing the Neuroscience field.

Teaching staff

NameInstitutionCategoryDoctorTeaching profileAreaE-mail
MATUTE ALMAU, CARLOS JOSEUniversity of the Basque CountryProfesorado Catedratico De UniversidadDoctorNot bilingualHuman Anatomy and
PEREZ CERDA, FERNANDOUniversity of the Basque CountryProfesorado Titular De UniversidadDoctorNot bilingualHuman Anatomy and
PEREZ SAMARTIN, ALBERTO LUISUniversity of the Basque CountryProfesorado Titular De UniversidadDoctorNot bilingualHuman Anatomy and
RUIZ NUÑEZ, ASIERUniversity of the Basque CountryProfesorado AgregadoDoctorBilingualHuman Anatomy and


Understanding the structure and function of the CNS and the biology of their cells20.0 %
Understanding the neurobiology of the CNS disorders20.0 %
Proficiency in research skills in Neuroscience20.0 %
Rigorous and responsible conduct of research20.0 %
Appropriate proficiency in communication skills.20.0 %

Study types

TypeFace-to-face hoursNon face-to-face hoursTotal hours

Training activities

NameHoursPercentage of classroom teaching
Expositive classes60.070 %
Groupwork5.040 %
Work preparation60.010 %

Assessment systems

NameMinimum weightingMaximum weighting
Attendance and participation20.0 % 40.0 %
Internship Report/Summary10.0 % 20.0 %
Validation of written and oral labour20.0 % 40.0 %

Learning outcomes of the subject

To update molecular and cellular knowledge and integrate this information in order to understand the physiology of the CNS and its diseases.

Ability to follow and critically interpret neuroscience research results.

To acquire cross-disciplinary knowledge to have a multidisciplinary vision of resolved and pending tasks in the neuroscience field.

To identify the most relevant areas in neuroscience research in health and disease and the major recent advances.

To understand the current neuroscientific study approaches and new relevant technological advances to study the CNS.

Ordinary call: orientations and renunciation


Extraordinary call: orientations and renunciation



Compulsory materials


Basic bibliography


XSL Content

Suggestions and requests