XSL Content


  • Achieve high quality postgraduate education in marine environment and resources on the basis of practical, analytical and numerical approaches.
  • Advanced training in marine exploration techniques, laboratory analyses and mathematical modelling.
  • Applying oceanographic knowledge to contribute to the sustainable management of the environment and the resources.
  • Collect, record, and analyse marine environmental data (field/lab), using state-of-the-art techniques and equipment. Acquire skills in data collection, treatment, analysis and computing.
  • Development of key skills in marine data processing and anallysis, with research experience gained through an individual advanced research project.
  • For the student to be able to propose a research project that could answer the question posed (hypothesis, objectives, resources, experimental design, etc.).
  • For the student to know how to identify a scientific issue that needs resolving, putting the issue into context and supplying the appropriate documentary evidence.
  • For the student to learn how a research project is designed and carried out, how research tasks are performed and the relevant results obtained, as well as how research results are disseminated (communication, articles, etc.).
  • Knowledge and understanding of the ocean processes in all four main disciplines of oceanography (e.g. biological, chemical, geological and physical), at an advanced level. Knowledge and understanding of the processes that shape the marine world at different temporal and spatial scales.
  • Knowledge and understanding of the terminology, nomenclature and classification systems used in marine environmental sciences.
  • Knowledge and understanding of the theory, practice, acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data, across a range of marine environmental applications.
  • Knowledge and understanding of the value and need for multi-disciplinary approaches in advancing knowledge. Knowlegde and understanding of a wide selection of topics presently at the frontiers of research and many of the specialised techniques used to investigate them.
  • Read, use and reference the marine environmental work of others, in an appropriate manner. Critically analyse, synthesise, interpret and summarise complex scientific information.
  • Team work: Identify individual and collective goals, take responsibilities and perform in an appropriate manner. Recognise and respect the views of other team members. Evaluate performance as an individual and as a team member. Understand the roles of individuals in teams and how individuals learn in team groups.
  • Training in marine ecosystem health assessment from academic and practical perspectives.
  • Training in marine resource management and sustainable development, from academic and practical perspectives.
  • Understand the scientific process. Recognise and use of theories, paradigms, concepts and principles, to design and undertake primary research within the context of the marine environment and marine resources.

XSL Content