Thesis Teachers

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Knowledge area
Computer Languages and Systems
Computer Languages and Systems
Faculty of Engineering - Bilbao
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Dr. Gorka Labaka is an Associate Professor (Profesor titular) in the Department of Languages and Computer Systems at the Bilbao Engineering School of the UPV/EHU and a member of the IXA research group. He joined the IXA group in 2001, when he was still studying for a degree, and obtained his PhD in Computer Science at the UPV/EHU in 2010. His main research interests are Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Translation.

He is currently participating in the projects ILENIA (2022/TL22/00215335), DeepR3 (TED2021-130295B-C31), and TRAIN (PID2021-123988OB-C31). He has published 22 articles in journals and conferences, has participated in 23 regional, national and European projects and has registered three intellectual properties. He has experience in teaching at both undergraduate and master's level, within the LAP-EMLCT master's programme, and has tutored several final degree projects and master theses. Together with members of the IXA group, he has designed and developed several NLP and machine translation tools.

Recently, he has started working on sign language translation through participation in the SignON project of the European Commission (2020-2023). Following this line of research, she is currently co-IP of the TRAIN coordinating subproject. This project is dedicated to the translation of languages with very few resources and includes translation from Spanish Sign Language (LSE) to Spanish.

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