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Knowledge area
Computer Languages and Systems
Computer Languages and Systems
Faculty of Informatics
Electronic mail

Maite Oronoz received her PhD by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in 2009. Nowadays she is an associate professor in the Computer Languages and Systems department. She is researching from 1996 and teaching from 2001.

She is a researcher at IXA group (ixa.eus) and at HiTZ (hitz.eus), the Basque Center for Language Technologies. At the moment she works on Natural Language Processing applied to the medical domain (linguistic and semantic analysis of electronic health records, ICD classification, adverse drug reaction detection and translation of medical terminology into Basque). Her research work has been published in 85 publications from which 8 are in journals indexed in the Journal Citation Report (JCR) (6 of them are Q1) and 3 are book chapters. As researcher she has participated in 31 competitive research projects with funds from several agencies. She has been the main researcher in one contract with INDRA S.A. and in two contracts with Osakidetza.

She has been the academic vice-dean of the Faculty of Informatics (2014-2017), coordinator of the Informatics Engineering Degree (from 2017), member of two masters’ academic committees, coordinator of the Analysis and Processing Master (from 2019) and member of the University of the Basque Country Grade Commission (from 2017).

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