
XSL Content


  • RC1: Competence in understanding the fundamentals of the different thermal analysis and microscopy techniques and the appropriate interpretation of the results obtained from them.
  • RC2: Competence in assessing the ethical issues related to the development of research in a given area of knowledge.
  • RC3: Competence in the analysis of the social and environmental impact of scientific-technical actions and of professional decisions and proposals, assessing their functionality and relevance according to criteria of sustainability and social justice.
  • RC4: Competence in identifying and comparing the main present and future energy storage and conversion technologies based on electrochemical redox processes, from the point of view of their performance, cost, sustainability and recyclability.
  • RC5: Competence in carrying out research based on bibliographic research, obtaining and managing resources, and managing intellectual property.
  • RCO1: Knowledge of the physicochemistry of interfaces, especially solid surfaces, as well as surface characterisation techniques.
  • RCO2: Knowledge in the elucidation of the structure, properties and applications of different families of materials: metallic, polymeric, ceramic (including glasses), composites and functional materials.
  • RCO3: Knowledge of how light interacts with matter and how we can use these phenomena, by means of spectroscopic techniques, to characterise a sample qualitatively and quantitatively.
  • RCO5: Knowledge of the fundamentals of advanced materials for thermal energy storage, their construction and the validation of computational models, as well as the principles of green chemistry and catalysis in sustainable energy generation.
  • RCO5: Knowledge of the fundamentals of advanced materials for thermal energy storage, their construction and the validation of computational models, as well as the principles of green chemistry and catalysis in sustainable energy generation.
  • RCO6: Knowledge of the fundamentals of in-situ electrochemical cell design and the details of in-situ and operando experimental set-up.
  • RCO7: Knowledge of available large-scale facilities and their applications to the study of electrochemical energy storage materials.
  • RHE1: Skills in relating knowledge from different areas in order to provide an interdisciplinary response to complex situations.
  • RHE2: Leadership and negotiation skills; as well as good communication skills, such as active listening, assertiveness and non-violent communication.
  • RHE3: Skills in the autonomous management of the effort and time needed to achieve the proposed objectives and goals.
  • RHE4: Skills in effectively communicating research results and advances in the field, both in writing and orally; fostering critical thinking; and encouraging efficient collaboration between interdisciplinary teams to address complex challenges related to the subject studied.
  • RHT1: Skills in the analysis of diffraction data and structure determination using the methods of Le Bail and Rietvel.
  • RHT2: Skills in choosing the appropriate characterisation technique to obtain, with the aid of specific software, the information required to understand certain properties of a material, or to solve a given problem.
  • RHT3: Skills in laboratory procedures and techniques for the synthesis of new inorganic, polymeric and carbonaceous materials, in particular for their application in the field of energy storage and/or production, valuing aspects of circular economy and understanding the relationships between synthesis and properties.