XSL Content


  • For the student to be able to design and create numerical, statistical and computer models related to the biogeochemical cycles of the environmental chemical contaminants, their effects on living beings and the risk and impact assessment procedures.
  • For the student to be able to propose a research project that can resolve a scientific issue raised (hypothesis, objectives, means, experimental design, etc.).
  • For the student to know and understand the concepts, practice and application of chemical analysis in patterns of environmental interest.
  • For the student to know and understand the concepts, practice and applications of Omic technologies (genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, etc.) in order to study the mechanisms of toxicity and diagnose the effect of environmental chemical contaminants.
  • For the student to know and understand the concepts, practice and applications of cellular and molecular biomarkers of exposure and the effect of the environmental chemical contaminants, with special emphasis on issues related to genotoxicity and mutagenicity, endocrine disruption, general stress, oxidative stress, immunotoxicity, etc.
  • For the student to know and understand the concepts, practice and applications of in-vitro tissue culture and in-vitro toxicity trials to determine the effects of environmental chemical contaminants and the study of the toxicity mechanisms.
  • For the student to know and understand the concepts, practice and applications of the comprehensive assessment of the health of ecosystems (marine and land) in a changing environment subject to multiple sources of environment stress, including chemical contaminants.
  • For the student to know and understand the concepts, practice and applications of toxicity trials on land and water, in order to assess the effects of environmental chemical contaminants and the study of the defence mechanisms of living beings.
  • For the student to know and understand the theoretical concepts about environmental programmes for tracking the levels and effects of environmental chemical contaminants, as well as the practical aspects and their applications.
  • For the student to know and understand the theoretical concepts of biogeochemical cycles, as well as the practical aspects and their applications.
  • For the student to know and understand the theoretical concepts relating to the bioavailability of environmental chemical contaminants, as well as the practical aspects and their applications.
  • For the student to know and understand the theoretical concepts relating to the toxicity mechanisms of environmental chemical contaminants, as well as the practical aspects and their application.
  • For the student to know how to identify a scientific issue that needs resolving, putting the issue into context and supplying the appropriate documentary evidence.
  • For the student to know the resistance mechanisms of living organisms (tolerance, resistance, resilience, adaptation, plasticity, etc.) against environmental chemical contaminants.
  • For the student to master the concepts and practice of environmental risk assessment resulting from chemical pollutants, including assessments of the life cycle, and be able to apply them to environmental management, understanding the current legal and regulatory framework on a European, national and regional level (REACH, European framework directives, environmental legislation, etc.).
  • For the student to understand the concepts, practice and applications of environmental bioremediation in environments affected by chemical pollution.
  • For the students to be able to design and create a project that allows them to obtain funds to carry out research; carry out that research and obtain significant conclusions; and communicate the results of the research (notifications, articles, etc.), accepting criticism and defending their approach.

XSL Content

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