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Knowledge area
Greek Philology
Classical Studies
Faculty of Arts
Electronic mail

PhD in Classical Philology (1992) from the UPV/EHU, where I have been an Assistant Professor of Greek Philology since 1994. Currently, I teach in the Degree in Philology, as well as in the Master in Comparative Literature and Literary Studies.

I have participated in various Research Projects, 11 at the autonomic level (funded by the UPV/EHU and by the Basque Government) and 7 at the state level, and the CNEAI has recognized me for 5 six-year research periods. The results of my research work have been divulged through numerous articles in specialized reviews and in more than 60 participations in national and international conferences.

My main field of research is the study of gastronomy in ancient Greek literature. Along these lines, in 2001 I published the book entitled "The art of dining in ancient Greece" (Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva), where I offer a general overview on this topic. I have also studied various specific aspects (the consumption of fish, wine or the symposium) and I have been interested in gastronomic poetry and the presence of gastronomy in comedy.

Other lines of research in which I am currently working are:

* Studies on Greek comedy, specially on political satire and mythological parody.

* The etopoetic declamations of Libanios of Antioch, in particular on the presence of ancient authors in his work.

* Focus adverbs in ancient Greek.

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