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** n o c o n s t a e l a r e a * ó " á r e a p r o v i s i o n a l"
Applied Chemistry
Electronic mail

Graduated in chemistry from the University of the Basque Country (1994) and obtained the PhD degree from the University of Liege (Belgium, 1998). He did a post-doctoral stay at IBM Almaden and Stanford University (2000) and joint CIDETEC-IK4 as Ramon y Cajal fellow until 2010, being the head of Nanomaterials Unit.

In 2011, he took an Ikerbasque Research Professor position ( at POLYMAT- University of the Basque Country and actually, he is a scientific vicedirector of the centre ( He is leading a group specialized in polymer chemistry, being their final goal the synthesis of innovative polymeric materials for Emerging Technologies in sectors such as Energy and Environment. The group has an active participation in EU funded projects in the frame of FP7 and H2020, including FET-OPEN, ERC-Poc and MSC (RISE, ITNs and IFs) projects that are currently active or the ERC Starting grant coordinated by DM.

DM has (co)directed so far 15 PhD thesis. He has published more than 270 scientific papers, which have received over 11000 citations. He is a co-author of several patents and book chapters and has given over 30 invited and keynote lectures in international conferences. He collaborates regularly giving a course in advanced polymer synthesis at the University of the Basque Country (Polymer Master; Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Master).

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