Being able to design a supply, understanding how a project is structured, evaluating its cost and the operating costs, applying knowledge about the sources and costs of energy products and estimating its financing.
Enhancing their entrepreneurial spirit and their ability to adapt to new situations in the scientific, professional and entrepreneurial fields.
Having and increasing their decision making, responsibility assuming, leadership and commitment to quality skills.
Identifying the most important developments based on specialised bibliographies and current knowledge technologies, and integrating new knowledge, including the social and ethical responsibility (the Basic Code of Ethics*) of applying this.
* In the Basic Code of Ethics there are, among others:
a) Respect for fundamental rights and equal opportunities for men and women (Law 3/2007 of 22 March),
b) The principles of equality of opportunity and universal accessibility for disabled people (Law 51/2003 of 2 December), and
c) The values typical of a culture of peace and democratic values (Law 27/2005 of 30 December).
Increasing their creativity, self-sufficiency and self-learning skills in the field of Energy Engineering.
Knowing about the structure and functioning of the different types of energy generating plants: conventional, renewable and non-conventional, as well as the future trends for each of them.
Presenting and communicating acquired knowledge and the relevant general results related to Energy Engineering to specialised and non-specialised audiences.
Producing a project (End of Master's degree Project), with the help of a tutor, where they apply the acquired knowledge and skills with a certain degree of self-sufficiency, also demonstrating the skills of dissemination, defence and criticism of their own results in front of a panel of specialists in the subject matter.
They must be able to incorporate the principles of sustainability and combatting climate change into their professional activity.
They must be able to provide a structured proposal for solutions to a specific generation problem that allows the client to make a decision.
Understanding and applying new knowledge related to Energy Engineering in multidisciplinary environments and in R&D environments.