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Knowledge area
Thermal Motors and Machines
Faculty of Engineering - Bilbao
Electronic mail

Chemical Engineer, Master’s Degree in Energy Efficiency and PhD in Thermal Engineering (Extraordinary Doctorate Award), by the School of Engineering of Bilbao - UPV/EHU. He has worked for industry within the metal and energy sectors and works nowadays as assistant professor for the Energy Engineering Department at the UPV / EHU.

His teaching includes subjects such as Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer and Renewable Energy in Buildings and he usually supervises bachelor and master theses related with those subjects, as well as internships in the industry.

He is member of the ENEDI - Energy in Building research group. His research focuses on the following lines: development of thermal storage systems; energy simulation of systems using CFD; thermophysical characterization of materials and energy efficiency in buildings and industrial processes.

He has taken part in 17 R+D+i projects financed by competitive calls and is currently leading a thermal storage project of the TED 2021 call. He has published 28 articles in international JRC journals, 33 conference communications and has carried out two research stays in foreign universities. He is currently directing two doctoral theses. He also participates in various Technology Collaboration Platforms (TCP) of the International Energy Agency (IEA), such as Task 58/Annex 33: Material & Components for Thermal Energy Storage.

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