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Knowledge area
Indo-European Linguistics
Classical Studies
Faculty of Arts
Electronic mail

In 1991 BA, Letters (Hispanic Philology) in the University of Deusto (Bilbao). In 1994 BA, Classical Philology (Latin Philology) in the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). In 2002 PhD, Classical Philology, UPV/EHU. Nowadays assistant teacher in the UPV/EHU, Area of Indo-European Linguistics.

His research focuses on the ancient languages of the western Iberian Peninsula, with special reference to onomastics and methodological problems posed by the secondary transmission of linguistic evidence. The results of his research have been published in scholarly journals and conference proceedings: “Antroponimia indígena de Lusitania” 2005 and “Onomástica paleohispánica. Antroponimia y teonimia” 2016.

International stays at the Institut Ausonius of Bordeaux, where he shared a project: the Roman Lusitania: “Atlas antroponímico de la Lusitania romana” 2003. Nowadays he is included in Adopia project (Bordeaux-Toronto), in order to gather the onomastic records of the whole Iberian peninsula.

He joined the Hesperia group, for developing an online databank, dedicated to the cataloging of the documents related with the pre-roman languages of ancient Iberia. He has also been a collaborator in AELAW Cost Action team, which is drawing a census of languages and texts of Ancient Europe.

The exciting world of language reconstruction (protolanguages, poorly attested languages) has led him to deal with some issues in Romance historical linguistics and t

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