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Knowledge area
Indo-European Linguistics
Classical Studies
Faculty of Arts
Electronic mail

I studied Classical Philology at the University of the Basque Country and after a two-years stay at the University of Cologne (Germany) with Professor Jürgen Untermann, I finished my PhD on Indo-European Linguistics with Professor Joaquín Gorrochategui at the UPV / EHU. Thereafter I have been visiting professor at the University of Amsterdam, with Professor Kees Hengeveld. At the Faculty of Arts of the UPV/EHU, I have taught Indo-European Linguistics and Historical and Comparative Linguistics in introductory and advanced courses. In addition to that, I have given courses on various ancient Indo-European languages such as Old Germanic languages and Sanskrit.

A part of my scientific activity deals with the concern about comparative and diachronic linguistics, in particular, I try to improve our comprehension of linguistic diachronic, which is a constitutive feature of the linguistic phenomenon. Another important and complementary part of my activity is the diachronic study of the Insular Celtic morphology, a field in which I have quite a number of contributions. My academic and scientific activity is based on the assumption of the primacy of the evidence, on the critical reflexion about the limits of comparative linguistics, as well as on the convincement that ancient languages and their diachronic problems can and must be considered in a significant manner from the perspective of modern linguistics.

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