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Knowledge area
Audio-visual Communications and Advertising
Audio Visual Communications and Advertising
Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences
Electronic mail

Ainara Miguel Sáez de Urabain got her Communication degree (1998) and her PhD (2006) at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, where she works now as an Associate Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, and teaches courses related to visual studies such as Contemporary Aesthetic Trends, Art Direction and History of Advertising since 2011. Before, she worked at the University of Burgos for six years.

She is the author of more than thirty articles and book chapters, and two photography books. The first, on the portrait of a small town society in the 1930s, titled Vitoria: imagen de una ciudad en calma (Vitoria: Image of a Calm City); and the second, El tiempo detenido. Viejas fotografías del Condado de Treviño. 1900-1975 (Paused Time. Old Photographs of the County of Treviño. 1900-1975). Both of them try, actually, to see how societies represent themselves in the way they are photographed, a recurrent theme in her trajectory.

She is also interested in the representation of more specific topics, such as alterity or violence, and her research work focuses, above all, on the analysis of audiovisual texts.

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