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Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences
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Maria Gorosarri González is Lecturer at UPV / EHU since 2016. She teaches “Photojournalism” and “Informative Writing on Television” in the Degree in Journalism.

Law (2002) and Journalism graduate (2004), she has worked several years as a journalist in different media, as a contributor and communication director.

International PhD in Communication (2011), with the European thesis (Basque and English) “Albisteen kalitatea: Research on Basque Media's News Quality”, funded by the Basque Government (2006-2010), as well as several stays at Humboldt Universität ( Berlin, Germany) in 2009 and 2010. She has carried out two postdoctoral projects: on the quality of the European reference press (2000-2010), funded by UPV / EHU (2012-2013), and on the professional perspective on media quality, at Freie Universität (Berlin, Germany), funded by the Basque Government (2014-2016), whose research was published in international scientific journals (Journalism, Latin Journal of Communication, Studies on the Journalistic Message, Anàlisi, Springer Publishing House, etc.).

Her lines of research are the following: news quality, media and feminism, as well as media in minority European languages. Member of the HEKA research group (European Media in Minority Languages and Journalism).

She belongs to the Editorial Board of the scientific journal Uztaro and co-directs the Basque Dok Festival, on Documentary Photography.

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