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Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences
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María Teresa Santos Diez (orcid.org/0000-0002-2494-3279), Ph.D. in Information Sciences from the Universidad del País Vasco. Permanent Professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication, where I teach undergraduate, doctorate and Master's degrees.

Her lines of research focus on local media (press, radio, television), communication and social networks. Latest publications: “Radio and social networks: the case of sports programs on Twitter” (Revista Latina de Comunicación Social 2015); “Latin radio in Spain. Integration medi (Perfiles Latinoamericanos 2016); Treatment of cannabis in the Spanish press (Cuadernos Info 2017); Treatment of cannabis in the Spanish press (Cuadernos Info 2017), Features and Dimensions of Health Care Journalism: A Case Study on Spanish Free Magazines (Sage Open, 2017), Therapeutic cannabis in the Spanish newspapers (Estudios Mensaje Periodístico 2018) y Rare Diseases and their Representation in the Spanish Press (Palabra Clave, 2019); Consummate suicide and representation of its triggering factors in the Spanish general press in 2017 (Comunicación y Medios 2019); The representation of suicide in the spanish press (Rev. Ciencias sociales Universidad de Costa Rica) among others.

I have been Academic Secretary and Director of the Estudios de Comunicación Zer Magazine and have participated in numerous Commissions. I have obtained the Drago de Latina Award for the most cited article.

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