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Knowledge area
Audio-visual Communications and Advertising
Audio Visual Communications and Advertising
Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences
Electronic mail

Doctor in Information Sciences, Advertising Branch and Public Relationship since 1986. Professor of audiovisual communication and advertising since 1992.

He teaches "Market Research" and "Advertising Effectiveness" in the degree of Advertising and Public Relations. He teaches "Methodologies of Internet marketing research" in the Master of Social Communication. Faculty of Social Sciences and communication at the University of Basque country.

National Marketing Award, and Best Presentation and Best Research Award 1992 Esomar Congress.

Main volumes published:

- Research methodologies in advertising (1986). UPV editorial service

-Effects of advertising (1996). Ariel

-Mithanalysis of Advertising (2001). Ariel

- Public persuasion (2008), updated edition of “Persuasion of the masses” of 1988, in Deusto Editions.

Preferred research philosophies in volumes and articles: Phenomenology and Ground theory, in addition to conventional confirmatory research.

He has diversified the didactic and knowledge channels beyond the common discursive text from books to articles, with recent contributions such as the Creadstorming App (2018) (Google Play store) to aid in the creativity sourcing, and 2 gamifications, respectively on advertising effectiveness and a playful simulation on “history interaction and market ”, “Game Ría de Bilbao, circa 1900 ”, both published on the Tabletopia platform (2019).

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