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Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology
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José Ignacio Galparsoro holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Paris-Sorbonne (Paris-IV). He is full professor in the Philosophy Department of the University of the Basque Country, where he teaches the subjects History of Contemporary Philosophy and Philosophical Anthropology .

He is the professor responsible for the official master's degree Philosophy in a global world, which the University of the Basque Country teaches in Latin America.

Among his research are studies on authors of Contemporary Philosophy (among which are those made around Nietzsche), or on current issues (such as philosophical anthropology, and the philosophical implications of evolutionary biology and cognitive science ).

He has directed 20 Doctoral Theses.

It has recognized four six-year investigation by the CNEAI.

He received accreditation as a professor (Catedrático) of the Arts and Humanities University of CNEAI.

He has published numerous articles, chapters of books and books in the field of Philosophy, among which Reflections on Naturalism, (Rotterdam / Boston / Taipei, Sense Publishers, 2013), jointly edited with Professor Alberto Cordero, of the City University of New York or, more recently, "Más allá del posthumanismo. Antropotécnicas en la era digital" (Granada, Comares 2019).