Mal irakasleak

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Moral Philosophy
Philosophy of Values and Social Anthropology
Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology
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Dr. Anchústegui holds a degree in Philosophy, a degree in Law, and a PhD in Philosophy from the UPV/EHU. He is Full Professor in Political Philosophy. He has supervised 22 PhD Thesis (including 13 with International Mention and 3 awarded Extraordinary Prize) and 60 Mphil., MA and BA thesis.

He is currently a member of the Biography & Parliaments research group, having participated in more than 20 research projects, some of them as principal investigator. He has three research six-year periods (CNEAI). He was awarded the Lehendakari Aguirre Research Prize by the Gipuzkoa Province in 2001. In addition he has published more than 200 research items. He has produced more than 60 contributions to national and international conferences. Also, he has been Visiting Research Professor in several foreign universities.

He is also the academic editor of the UPV/EHU Press Limes series of political thought, with 29 books published in Basque language. He is also a member of the Editorial board of numerous national and international journals. Being committed to the Latin American Postgraduate Network, he is a member of the Academic Committee of the MA Philosophy in a Global World.

Among other recognitions, he is a fellow of the Real Sociedad Bascongada de Amigos del País and Honorary Professor of several Latin American universities. He has contributed to newspapers, radio and TV. Now he acts as political analyst for the Egunon Euskadi Basque TV programm.