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Faculty of Medicina and Nursing
Electronic mail

Professor Senior of the Department of Pharmacology of the University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV / EHU).

Acknowledgments 30 years of research by ANECA. Co-author in 64 scientific publications (60 international (including in SCI) and 4 national publications), 5 book chapters, 25 communications in international conferences, 30 (2 invited papers) in national congresses.

She has participated as a researcher in 21 research projects of regional call and national call. She has been a principal investigator in 3 regional call projects (prior to 2011) and since 2011 where you are responsible for a research group, in a research project supporting UPV Consolidated research groups in regional call, and 2 projects of National Call (MINECO INNPACTO PROGRAM AND CHALLENGE PROGRAM

As part of my knowledge transfer to the productive sector, I participated in:

• The start-up of the company Dynakin SL (Spin off of the Faculty of Medicine). Since 2013, I am a researcher responsible for the current agreement on collaboration in research and teaching between the UPV / EHU and this company.

• 24 research contracts with pharmaceutical companies.

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