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Knowledge area
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology
Farmacia y Ciencia de los Alimentos
Faculty of Pharmacy
Electronic mail

I obtained my degree in Pharmacy from the University of the Basque Country, in 1993, (being awarded with the extraordinary prize). I hold a PhD in Pharmacy, also from the UPV/EHU, in 1998, being Associate Professor since 2000. I hold 4 six-year positive evaluations of my research and 4 five-year positive evaluations of my teaching. My research is currently focused in vaccine formulation by means of microparticulate systems and in the use of nanoparticles for pulmonary delivery. During my research career, I have done research stays in Glasgow (UK), Trondheim (Norway), and as a postdoctoral researcher in Montreal (Canada). Regarding my participation in projects secured in competitive calls, I have been involved in more than 30 projects, at international, national and regional level. I have participated in more than 10 projects for the transference of technology to pharmaceutical companies, one of them as Principal Investigator.

I have supervised 2 PhD thesis, 4 Master thesis, 2 Grade thesis and more than 15 research thesis (former master program). I have co-authored over 30 research papers, 4 book chapters and over 50 contributions to conferences. I have been also involved in the development of two patents.

Regarding teaching, I have been involved in teaching of undergraduate Master students of Pharmacy.

I have also taken part in management as the Coordinator of the Teaching Innovation Service and as Director of Research of the Basque Government since 2015.

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