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Statistics and Operations Research
Faculty of Science and Technology
Electronic mail

Inmaculada Arostegui has a degree in Mathematical Sciences from the UPV/EHU, a Master's degree in Health Sciences in Biostatistics from the Johns Hopkins University and a PhD in Mathematical Sciences from the UPV/EHU. She is professor in the Department of Mathematics in the School of Science and Technology, statistical advisor at Galdakao-Usansolo University Hospital and research collaborator at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM.

Her research area is Biostatistics, with special interest in health services research. The research activity, supported by 4 six-year periods, includes more than 75 scientific publications in indexed journals, more than 1800 citations, participation in more than 25 international conferences and more than 30 research projects, networks and consolidated groups, the organization of international scientific events and the direction of 5 doctoral theses (another 4 in progress).

The teaching activity, supported by two positive evaluations in Docentiaz, is conducted in the areas of Applied Statistics, Biostatistics and Public Health in the School of Science and Technology and in the School of Medicine and Nursing, in both undergraduate and master's degrees, and is complemented by the direction of final degree and master's projects.

She belongs to the Spanish and International Biometrics Societies and to the Society for Statistics and Operations Research, and participates regularly in scientific dissemination activities.

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