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Knowledge area
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology
Farmacia y Ciencia de los Alimentos
Faculty of Pharmacy
Electronic mail

He earned his B.S. in Biochemistry (2006) and his Ph.D. with international mention and Extraordinary Award (2013) from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). In addition, he completed a Master's Degree in Pharmacology. Development, evaluation and rational use of medicines (2009). He has received the 2013/2015 SPLC-CRS Best PhD Thesis Award granted by the prestigious Controlled Release Society (CRS).

Currently, he works at the Faculty of Pharmacy, where he teaches at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Likewise, he is a member of IdoFar, a group specialized in educational innovation, recognized as HBT-ADITUAK and Structured Teaching Team IKD (ikdIT / EDikd).

He is part of the NanoBioCel research group (group A of the Basque university system) and is a member of the Biomedical Research Networking Center on Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN). He supervises 4 doctoral theses and has collaborated or collaborates in other 4. He made a stay at Harvard University, together with Dr. David Mooney. He has actively participated in 17 research projects.

He is co-author of 19 scientific articles, 2 book chapters and numerous contributions to national and international conferences. His research is focused on the biomedical application of different biomaterials and stem cells, in order to exert an immunomodulatory and regenerative effect in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease and chronic wound healing.

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