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Faculty of Medicina and Nursing
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The Principal Investigator of the research group, Dr. Rafael Rodríguez-Puertas, is assigned

to the Dept. of Pharmacology at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). He

returned in 1998 from the Karolinska Institute (Stockholm). He is one of the first and

few permanent Doctor Researchers at the UPV/EHU recognized by the ANEP (Spanish

Agency for Research Evaluation) as a researcher with outstanding career (I3 programm).

The study of the neurochemistry in Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative

diseases is the main scientific interest, using radioligand binding techniques, molecular

biology, immunohistochemistry and behavioral tests. He is also experienced in the training of

researchers and PhD students. He focused in the study of the neurochemistry of Alzheimer's

as well as in projects aimed to develop new analytical technologies applied to neurochemistry

and pharmacology. The results have been published in more than 60 research papers (56

in PubMed), and more than a hundred of meetings communications. He has two licensed

patents to an spin-off company from the group. The main scientific contributions are on

cholinergic alterations in patients and animal models and its modulation by neuropeptides and

neurolipids. It is remarkable his contribution and pioneering to the development and application

in neuroscience of imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) technology. He is also integrated into the

research group for neurodegenerative diseases BioCruces.

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