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  • Being able to assess the consequences of the physico-chemical and biological properties of drugs and medicines and how these vary between different people and species, their desirable and undesirable effects as well as the financial issues involved in the development and use of medicines.
  • Being able to establish research methodologies in the field of Health Sciences, as well as analyse and disseminate the results of research projects developed in this field.
  • Being able to identify learning needs on an ongoing basis and acquire new knowledge and skills to be able to develop and plan a professional career.
  • Being able to read a biomedical and pharmaceutical scientific study in English, including trials on humans, thus being able to identify and criticise the fundamental methodological and ethical aspects.
  • Being able to understand and extract the patho-physiological and therapeutic consequences deriving from the physico-chemical, pharmaceutical and biological properties of the main pharmacological groups. Understanding it in the scope of their research area and being able to find answers to fill in knowledge gaps.
  • Being accustomed to consulting colleagues, working as a team, organising work groups and recognising with honesty the source of ideas.
  • Being accustomed to observing, analysing and interpreting results with the ability to convert them into a specialised written report.
  • Having acquired skills relating to the critical analysis, evaluation and summarising of new and complex ideas on the development and evaluation of medicines.
  • Having acquired the habit of recognising and deciding on problems related to ethics, health, medicine safety and practical matters related to the study or usage of medicines on human beings.
  • Having developed a general understanding of the most common research techniques involved in research with medicines at a pre-clinical and clinical level through contact with or the study of real issues addressed with these techniques.
  • Having experience of working in a laboratory or clinical or health research unit. Having developed general performance skills in a pharmaceutical or biological laboratory or in a clinical environment: handling of biological samples, safety regulations, organisation, confidentiality, preciseness and accuracy, etc.
  • Having knowledge and an understanding of the general concepts relating to the development and action of medicines and drugs. Showing an ability to interpret designs, calculations and results in this area.
  • Having learned, practiced or introjected in experimental design as a standardised procedure for obtaining scientific answers.
  • Having made presentations in national and international scientific seminars and/or meetings.
  • Having taken part, under supervision, in research projects on the development, evaluation and rational use of medicines.
  • Knowing how to communicate with colleagues, with the academic and scientific community as a whole and with society in general about issues relating to the development, evaluation, use and rational prescription of medicines.
  • Knowing how to express conclusions, as well as the knowledge and reasoning behind them, to specialised and non-specialised audiences in a clear manner and technically without ambiguities.
  • Knowing how to obtain information using IT, learning the quality criteria for its selection and knowing how to effectively organise this information.
  • Learning how to take complicated decisions, under progressively decreasing supervision, that involve important health, industrial development, economic or personal aspects.
  • Understanding the importance of time management, self-discipline, self-criticism and unsupervised work in scientific activity. Being able to generate a spirit of intellectual curiosity and professional responsibility and integrity.
  • Understanding the process of designing a research project involving medicines and preparing scientific reports and publications with the corresponding results.

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