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Knowledge area
Social Psychology
Faculty of Psychology
Electronic mail

Graduate and Doctor in Psychology (UPV/EHU - University of the Basque Country) and Master in Psychotherapy. Currently, Associate Professor of University.

Professional experience outside the university in Psychotherapy 7 years (accredited as a General Health Psychologist). Experience in the field of Employment, Training and Management in Local Development, 12 years in positions: Technician of Job Search Agendas; Technician of Labor Orientation; Employment Technician; Responsible for Labor Insertion and Employment Guidance; and Deputy to Management in Communication and Quality.

University professor (EHU / UPV) for 20 years on issues related to the Psychology of Work and Organizations in: Degree in Psychology; Postgraduate Euskalduntze eta Alfabetatze Graduondo; Master in Management of Innovation and Knowledge; Master in Social Innovation and Creative and Cultural Industries; European University Master in Project Management; and Master in Psychology of Organizations and Psychosocial Intervention.

In dissemination, research and transfer: activities as author and co-author of articles, trainer, consultant, researcher, supervisor and evaluator in projects related to: organizational change and development; innovation and quality; organizational participation; recognition of people; communication and marketing; risk prevention and occupational health; employment and gender; use of Basque Language in organizations; entrepreneurial culture and decision-making in students; and leader

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