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Knowledge area
Applied Economics
Applied Economics
Faculty of Economics and Business
Electronic mail

PhD in Development Studies from Hegoa Institute UPV/EHU. Since 2015, she is a lecturer and researcher of UPV/EHU; currently at the Department of Applied Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Business of Donostia.

Part of the consolidated research group on Policy Coherence for Development and International Cooperation (Group IT GIU17-026).

Member of Hegoa, Institute for International Cooperation and Development Studies UPV/EHU. Secretary of the Board of Directors of the same Institute since 2017.

She has participated in various national and international research projects related to development cooperation or policy coherence for development. She has published several scientific articles and books, and she has been able to disseminate her research works in national and international conferences and seminars.

She is one of the directors of Hegoak Zabalduz (ISSN: 2530-6561), an online publication with an informative character and exclusively in Basque, which aims to address issues related to development.

She has participated in the Ocean i3 International Educational Innovation Project of the Ocean Bordeaux-Euskampus Campus.

Lecturer of the subjects Mathematics I and Mathematics II of the Degree in Business Administration and Management. She also teaches Agents and Policies of Development Cooperation at the Master's Degree in Development and International Cooperation UPV/EHU.

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