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Knowledge area
Fundamentals of Economic Analysis
Faculty of Economics and Business
Electronic mail

B.A. in Economics (UPV/EHU, 1985), M.B.A. (University of Deusto, 1989) and Ph. D. in Economics, Economic Analysis and Public Economics (UPV/EHU,1996) with Extraordinary Doctorate Award.

He has worked in the Provincial Council (Vizcaya) and the Basque Government. He has been Director of the Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis I. He is actually Associate Professor (with tenure) at the UPV/EHU. Teaching experience: Undergraduate, Economics and Business Administration; Postgraduate, Interuniversity Master in Economics. He teaches subjects such as Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Industrial Economics, International Economics and Game Theory.

His research focuses on Industrial Organization, Regional and Urban Economy and Game Theory. His research has been presented in thirty national and international conferences and has been financed with several competitive research projects. He is the author of around 20 scientific articles published in international journals with anonymous referees such as the Journal of Regional Science, the Journal of Cleaner Production, Economic Inquiry or Papers in Regional Science. He is co-author of chapter 8 of the book “Spatial Economics, Volume I, theory”, published by Palgrave Macmillan. While working for the Basque Government in 1987 he was part of the team that wrote the book Poverty in the Basque Country. He has got twenty-four years of research activity acknowledged by the Spanish National Research Evaluating Commission.

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