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Knowledge area
Applied Economics
Faculty of Economics and Business
Electronic mail

Dr Javier Fernández-Macho, Professor of Econometrics.

Javier Fernández-Macho is PhD in Economics and MSc in Statistics from the London School of Economics (Dpt. of Statistics and Mathematical Science).

He is Coodinator of the Master in Economics: Tools of Economic Analysis, an interuniversity master degree offered by UPV/EHU, U. Cantabria and U. Oviedo. He lectures at UPV/EHU on Econometrics and Time Series Analysis. Previously, he was Director of the Institute for Public Economics from 2010 till 2017. In 2012 he was distinguished with the Euskoiker Award for Social Science Research. During 2013 he was made an associate member of Nuffield college (University of Oxford).

His main research publications include contributions on wavelet analysis, state-space and frequency-domain time series analysis, spatial stochastic processes and methodological aspects of economic evaluation models. He has conducted R&D projects related to the assessment of socioeconomic impacts of environmental public projects and large infrastructures such as the new high-speed Basque Railway Network. He is one of the lead researchers of the Interreg Atlantic Area (ERDF) Moses project and in Marnet, an EU transnational network aiming to collate comparable data to help support maritime socio-economic development initiatives in the European Atlantic Area.

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