Analyze the importance of research in bioethics (CE16).
Analyze the structure of complex and controversial ethical problems, detecting, formulating and proposing alternative approaches (CE5) (CT12).
Apply the appropriate scientific methodology to carry out a research work in the field of bioethics and biolaw (CE1, CE4, CT1).
Apply the jurisprudential analysis of cases framed within Biolaw (CE3).
Apply with professionalism the appropriate methodology for the resolution of bioethical problems (CE12).
Apply with professionalism the notion of consent, principle of autonomy and familiarization with the legally required conditions for the validity of consent (CE10).
Defending ethical arguments in public in accordance with one's own convictions (CE14) (CT12).
Demonstrate a favorable disposition towards patient-based communicative clinical relationship (CE11).
Demonstrate a reflective, dialogic and communicative attitude in all situations that require decisions regarding both extraordinary measures and limitation of therapeutic effort (CE9).
Describe legal concepts and terms to enrich critical thinking and discussion in relation to conflicts in the field of scientific research (CT3).
Describe the contents of the code of ethics of the medical and nursing professions (CE17) (CT12).
Develop formal and informal arguments in the field of Bioethics, recognizing their strength or weakness and any relevant fallacies (CE4).
Evaluate the different ethical control tools to which biomedical research in Spain is subject (CE15) (CT12).
Identify and manage bibliographic information to carry out a research work in the field of bioethics and biolaw (CB6).
Identify conflictive aspects from an ethical or legal point of view related to the development of research projects (CE1) (CT1).
Identify ethical and legal issues in healthcare practice (CE1) (CT12).
Identify the aspects of the patient-health care relationship that are important for an analysis of the ethical and legal issues that arise in daily clinical practice (CE18) (CT12).
Identify the cases of civil and criminal liability of biosanitary professionals (CE7).
Integrate the ethical discourse, taking into account the current multiculturalism in evolved societies, and develop arguments that attempt to understand this multiculturalism and better explain one's own positions (CE6) (CT12).
Interpret methodological diversity and, especially, the differences between principlist and consequentialist approaches (CE13).
Recognize the ethical-legal regime of research with human beings, their data or samples, or with animals (CE8).
Recognize the position of jurisprudence and the liability regime of professionals and institutions involved in scientific research (CE3).
Relate the legal regulations in the field of Biomedicine at national, community and international level, assessing, contrasting and arguing its ethical dimension and its repercussions on culture and society (CE8) (CT12).
Understand the evaluation system for research projects (CE15, CT1, CT3).
Understand the most important theories in the history of bioethics, relating them to other related disciplines (CE2).
Use different sources of information to build theories and make comparisons that scientifically relate reality in the field of bioethics and biolaw (CE1, CE4, CT1).
Write research papers in the field of bioethics and biolaw (CT2, CT5).