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Marta Barandiaran Landin (Santander, 1968) has a degree in Fine Arts, speciality: Painting (1991) and speciality: Restoration (1992) and a PhD in Fine Arts (1997), as well as a degree in Early Childhood Education (2011) with a final grade of extraordinary award. Since 1999 she is Professor in the Department of Painting of the Faculty of Fine Arts. She has been Academic Secretary of the Faculty of Fine Arts (1996-1997) and Academic Secretary of the Department of Painting (2000-2001). From 2013 to 2017, she was Director of International Mobility of the UPV/EHU and from 2017 to the end of 2020 Vice-Rector for Coordination and International Relations. She has also been responsible for the doctorate program: Cultural Heritage and Conservation (2004-2007). She has gained a recognition of a six-year research period by the Ministry of Science and Education and has co-directed two doctoral theses. She evaluates projects from ANEP, among other agencies. She has directed four research projects and has participated in 14 others (regional, State and European). She is the author of a patent, 12 publications in scientific journals, 3 book chapters, 2 books (published in Basque, Spanish and English) and more than 25 publications in congresses. She is a member of the FARMARTERM research group. She was tutor of ERAGIN program: learning projects (2011-2015). She has obtained excellent evaluation in the Docentiaz program in two calls.

She is currently Director for ENLIGHT.

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