
4. Restructuring globalization and the lost gains of developing countries: truth and illusion


Organizers: Chemseddine TIDJANI, | ALLAOUI Mohamed Elhassan

Fred, H. and Michael, S. (2017) said that: “Predictions that the era of globalization will soon end are, however, too pessimistic. Waving the banner of protectionism and nationalism may attract popular support, temporarily. But ultimately, it will be a threat to global peace and prosperity”.

In the last two decades, the globalization has deeply made many changes in different fields at multilevel. it has affected the political, economic and social systems in the world. Even though, the influence of the globalization is continuing to affect the developed countries as the developing ones. As a result, those later are fronting a vast change that, in some cases, destabilize their government, financial and political systems.

Toward this reflexion, this track attempt to focus on the relevant contributions that could present and discuss different points of view, analysis, findings and perspectives that related to the main problematics that will get some elements of responses of the following questions:

  • Which position for the developing countries toward these global changes that were made by the globalization?
  • Do we ready to face, adapt and react positively to its effects?
  • What did the developing countries make and what should they do to benefit from this global “storm”?!
  • Do we now really need and have the ability for restructuring and re-inventing the main aspects and mechanisms of globalization in the developing countries?