Edward Freeman
Professor of business administration at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia. Ph.D. (Washington University), BA in Mathematics and Philosophy (Duke University).
He has received six “Honoris Causa” (DHC) doctorates from the universities of Comillas (Spain), Hanken School of Economics (Finland), Leuphana University (Germany), Radboud University (Holland), Sherbrooke University (Canada) and Tampere University ( Finland) for his work on stakeholder theory. He is a visiting professor at various universities: Copenhagen Business School (Denmark), Nyenrode Business School (Netherlands), Monash University (Australia), and has held honorary positions at George Washington University (USA) and the University of Melbourne (Australia). Previously he has been a professor at the University of Minnesota and the Wharton School; as well as academic director of the "Business Roundtable Institute for Corporate Ethics", director of the Darden Olsson Center for Applied Ethics, president of the Society for Business Ethics. He is co-editor of the Cambridge Series Business, Society and Value Creation; and has been editor of the Ruffin Series on business ethics and co-editor of the Journal of Business Ethics. He has a multitude of scientific articles, being the most cited author in relation to the stakeholder theory; and has participated as a guest speaker at countless international Congresses and Conferences.