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Advanced Robotics

Faculty of Engineering - Vitoria-Gasteiz
Bachelor's Degree in Automotive Engineering - DUAL
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied laboratory-based groups3045

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

AimsToggle Navigation


· The student develops the basic mathematical elements associated with the kinematics / dynamics of industrial robots.

· The student uses the robotized environment programming / simulation software appropriately.

· The student programs tasks in industrial robots / autonomous mobile robots.

· The student searches, selects, interprets and generates information, and technical and technological documentation in the field of robotics in an efficient way, both in English and in other languages. The student integrates this information in an appropriate way in reports associated with engineering projects.

TemaryToggle Navigation

1. Introduction to robotics: Definition of the industrial robot, Classifications of robots.

2. Morphology of the robot, Mechanical structure of a robot, Actuators (pneumatic, hydraulic, electrical), Sensors (internal: position, speed, presence), Force sensors.

3. Spatial location. Cartesian reference system. Representation of the orientation (rotation matrices, Euler angles, rotation torques). Homogeneous transformation matrices, Relationship and comparison between the different spatial localization methods.

4. Robot kinematics: Forward and inverse kinematics. Differential model: direct and inverse Jacobian.

5. Introduction to the dynamics and control of industrial robots.

6. Autonomous Robotics.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

A theoretical study of the contents associated with the subject is proposed in the theoretical classes. These concepts will be implemented in a more practical way in the laboratory practices and in a final project. This project, carried out in groups, will mean the conclusion of the course. It will comprehend the contents of the subject, or part of them.

Master Classes. Development of the theoretical contents of the subject.

Laboratory Practices: Putting the contents of the subject into practice.

Final project: Practical project to be developed on the contents of the subject.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

A continuous evaluation system is proposed with different exercises to be carried out during the course.

Evaluation tools and percentages:

Exercises and final test: 20-30%. If a final test must be taken, it will be mandatory and a qualification of 4/10 must be obtained in order to pass the subject. A qualification lower than 5/10 in this part will penalize the final grade.

Laboratory practices and Final Group Work: 70-80%. Mandatory.

The group will be able to choose between different proposed projects or one of their choice according to the program of the subject. There will be evaluated: Development, report, presentation...

Ordinary call

If carried out, the Final Written Test will take place in the May call and will be of a theoretical-practical nature. A minimum qualification of 4/10 must be obtained in order to pass the course. A qualification lower than 5/10 in this part will penalize the final grade. Not attending to this test will result in a qualification of "Not Presented" in the call.

The Final Project to be developed, as well as its presentation, is mandatory to pass the subject.

In the case a student wishes and could benefit, according to current regulations, from an evaluation through a single final test, this situation must be made known to the teaching staff of the subject in writing, in the period defined by the normative. In this case, the evaluation of the subject will be carried out in a way that guarantee the correct evaluation of the knowledge associated with the subject.

More specifically, the waiver of continuous assessment will mean the waiver of the part of continuous assessment exercises. This knowledge will be evaluated on the official day of the final test. The part of practices and final project must also be submitted that day for evaluation.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

The teaching materials will be made available to through the e-gela platform or the teacher's website.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

Fundamentos de Robótica, Barrientos et al., Ed. McGraw Hill,1997

Manuals and user guides for the software / hardware to be used in the subject.

If necessary, additional in-depth bibliography as well as on-line references will be provided during the development of the subject.

In-depth bibliography

Vehicle Dynamics and Control, Rajesh Rajamani, Ed. Springer, ISBN 0941-5122, ISBN 978-1-4614-1432-2

GroupsToggle Navigation

16 Teórico (Spanish - Tarde)Show/hide subpages



Teaching staff



16 Applied laboratory-based groups-1 (Spanish - Tarde)Show/hide subpages



Teaching staff
